
Blackburnian Warbler

Setophaga fusca
Setophaga fusca · from Wikimedia Commons (Credit)

My Sightings

Date Location Note
Brooker Creek / Keystone TrailFirst migrant warbler of the year, either young male or female.
Lake Saundra-
Possum Branch@ Possum Branch. A better example than the previous ones I have seen; this one had more distinct markings. In a dead tree near the entrance. Yellow continues down the neck, black cap on the head, and a triangular black mark over its eye.
-Several in my backyard over the past few days. They are all in non-breeding plumage so determining their sex would be difficult. They usually have a big yellow eyebrow and a pale yellow chest.
-In my backyard in an oak tree. Seen around 10:00am. It was either female or nonbreeding, which would make sense as they are migrating through here right now. It is time to go to Fort De Soto, I think...

My Photos

Date Photo
📷 PTR_1845.JPG
📷 PTO_7539.JPG
📷 PTO_7572.JPG
📷 PTO_4954.JPG
📷 PTO_4736.JPG
📷 PTO_4723.JPG